Mencari Ilmu dan Berbagi Kelebihan Kekurangan Gadget

Senin, 02 Desember 2019

This is About Surabaya City - Full History

Surabaya is the biggest and the oldest city in Indonesia, with total area of 330.45 km2 and total population of more than 3 million people at night and more than 5 million people at work hours. It is located on the northeast of Java Island. Surabaya is a seaport with Tanjung Perak Port as its main port. Tanjung Perak Port serves as the hub/center for inter-island shipping in the Eastern region of Indonesia.

The name Surabaya was originated from many sources. On the delta of Brantas river estuary, many settlements big and small exist for a long time with distinct names, among others Surabayan, Ujung, etc. In the history of Kublai Khan, three of its mighty battleships have been defeated in Ujung Galuh (1293AD). Surabaya also known as the city of heroes, the title was given related to the heroic spirit and commemorate the battle of surabaya in 10 November 1945.

People from different ethnicities coming from the eastern part of Indonesia (such as Maduranese, Balinese, etc.) have been visiting and living in Surabaya as the result. In addition to the two ethnic groups mentioned above, people of Chinese, Arabians, and Indians descendants also inhabit the city along with the native Surabayans (Javanese), making Surabaya to be a multi-ethnic and multi-religion city.

Surabaya is the longest living city with the same name in Indonesia. The name Surabaya appeared in Nagarakretagama, a eulogy to King HayamWuruk of the great Majapahit Kingdom written on lontar leaves in 1365. Historian also believed that the armada of Kublai Khan was beaten around the harbour area of Surabaya in 1293.

Towards a prosperous city, is a mandate

It means, Surabaya should be able to grant prosperity, health, safety and peace to its citizen or community to actively participate in development.

The City of Services and Trade

Means the city bases its activities to economic development focusing more on towns people characteristics. This also includes the service delivery which becomes the backbone of development in order to realize public welfare by taking into account local potentials.

Globally Competitive

Suggests that Surabaya has to be able to be a hub or center of international service and trade

supported with the sufficient access to the productive resources, good governance, integrated and efficient city infrastructure and facilities, as well as able to improve local economy, product and service innovations, and development of service and globally competitive creative industry.

Environmentally Friendly City

Indicates that while being able to compete at a global level or global market, it has to maintain its capability to integrate the rapid development process by still taking into account environmental preservation and its carrying capacity through the improvement of public facility and city’s infrastructure that is environmentally friendly.

Kalimas is the biggest river splitting the city of Surabaya. In olden days, it was the center for economic activity. As the city develops, economic activity is no longer centralized in Kalimas. Accordingly, this area is neglected and becomes slum area. Huge revitalization efforts are carried out knowing the importance of the river in city development. Potential revitalization points are developed including the building of submarine monument area. Within this area, the icon of Surabaya called “Suro and Boyo” statue in 15 meters high was built. Along the river bank, there are the BMX and Skate Park as the main meeting points of Surabaya skaters, Jayengrono Park, Achievement Park, Expression Park, and Ketabang Kali Food Court. The formerly neglected and slums area now turns into interesting place to visit and introduces the concept of waterfront city which adds the charm of Surabaya.

Smart City

To overcome the lack of human resources and deliver a high quality service to the citizen, the City utilize the use of technology in delivering their public services. It includes but not limited to budget planning and monitoring, procurement, education, health service, issuing permits, taxation, security surveillance, etc. Moreover, Surabaya also provides major public spot with wireless access to facilitate the citizen in accessing and utilizing technology. To further expand the ease of use and portability, Surabaya also optimize the use of mobile application in delivering the public services.

Education For All

In the field of education, National Education System Law number 20 of 2003 chapter 5 article (1) mentions that every citizen has equal rights to quality education. Accordingly, Surabaya City Government is committed to provide quality education for all people, not only in public but also private schools. The high achieving poor students are granted scholarships to continue their study to tertiary education level. In order to support the capacity building and quality improvement of teachers, scholarships are provided to pursue undergraduate and postgraduate degree. In 2013, the city government allocates budget for undergraduate degree equivalency and postgraduate degree equivalency

City Achievement

Surabaya has been acknowledged internationally in many aspects due to several achievements and rewards such as Asian Townscape Award by the United Nation; ASEAN Environment Sustainable City Award; Asian Cities of the Future.


Jumat, 12 Juli 2019

Aplikasi Popcorn Adalah

Aplikasi smartphone yang terintegrasi khusus bagi karyawan Telkomsel yang menampilkan berita, majalah, dan video. Anda dapat menemukan menu kuis pada aplikasi ini.

Popcorn menggunakan platform Twixl, sehingga Anda dapat berinteraksi dengan konten teks maupun video.


Kamis, 28 Maret 2019

Rabu, 12 Desember 2018

Winamp Versi 5.8 Bisa Didownload Gratis di Situs Resminya

Versi bocor dari Winamp 5.8 baru-baru ini tersebar di Internet. Oleh karena itu, kami memutuskan untuk membuat versi baru ini tersedia untuk Anda, direvisi oleh kami.

Karena itu kami menyarankan Anda mengunduh versi ini daripada yang lain karena kami menjamin aman untuk Anda gunakan.

Versi ini bukan proyek yang sedang berjalan tetapi pastikan bahwa kami saat ini bekerja keras untuk Winamp baru di masa depan. Gulir ke bawah untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut!


Selasa, 04 Desember 2018

Cek Tagihan Online PDAM Sidoarjo

Beberapa hari yang lalu banyak keluhan warga Sidoarjo dengan kejernihan air PDAM Sidoarjo.

Bahkan di tanya jawab di situs resminya, terlihat pelanggan kurang puas.

Tanya Jawab
P: Sudah seminggu air pdam taman pinang keruhnya kayak selokan..dibandingkan air sumur yg gratis bagai bumi dan langit😓
J: Masih mending seminggu dan masih mendapatkan aliran air, di rumah saya sudah berbulan2 airnya sangat2 kecil sekali itupun kadang tidak mengalir tp bayar rutin tiap bulan
Lihat semua pertanyaan (145)

Bagi Anda yang ingin mengetahui besar besar nilai tagihan PDAM yang di daerah Sidoarjo, bisa cek di:

Cek Tagihan Online PDAM Sidoarjo

Anda tinggal memasukkan nomor pelanggan, kemudian set bulan tagihan.
Kemudian klik cari, maka akan tampil tagihan bulan yang dimaksud.


Minggu, 02 Desember 2018

Youtube GRATIS - Mulai Tahun 2020

YOUTUBE dilaporkan akan menawarkan program orisinil karyanya di YouTube Original secara gratis untuk masyarakat pada 2020 mendatang.

Melansir Phone Arena, Jumat (30/11), dengan layanan gratis nantinya acara yang disuguhkan platform akan didukung oleh iklan.

Langkah itu diambil untuk menciptakan permintaan program milik YouTube, dan mendorong platform stream milik Google ini untuk menambahkan acara baru.

Variety melaporkan, hingga tahun 2020, acara pada YouTube Original baru dapat dinikmati oleh pengguna layanan versi berbayar.

Masyarakat yang ingin menyaksikan program yang ditawarkan YouTube Original harus berlangganan YouTube Premium terlebih dulu.

"Di tahun 2019, kami akan terus berinvestasi dalam pemrograman scripted dan shift untuk membuat iklan YouTube Originals didukung memenuhi permintaan dari fanbase yang lebih global," kata pihak YouTube.

Dia menambahkan, fase berikutnya dari strategi itu akan memperluas penonton YouTube Original, dan memberi pengiklan konten luar biasa yang menjangkau generasi YouTube.


Kamis, 25 Oktober 2018

Siapakah itu Jamal Khashoggi

Pejabat AS dan Turki dilaporkan mengatakan rekaman itu menunjukkan tim keamanan Saudi menahan Khashoggi saat ia mengambil dokumen untuk kelengkapan pernikahannya. Ia kemudian dibunuh dan tubuhnya dipotong-potong.

Arab Saudi menyanggah terlibat dalam hilangnya Khashoggi.

Jamal Khashoggi meniti karier sebagai seorang reporter ketika dia sudah berteman dengan Osama bin Laden, sampai kemudian menjadi pembangkang terkemuka Arab Saudi yang harus meninggalkan negaranya.

Sebelum hilang di konsulat Saudi di Istanbul, Turki, keputusan Khashoggi untuk mengasingkan diri membuatnya harus membagi waktunya antara Amerika Serikat, Inggris dan Turki.

Dia meninggalkan Arab Saudi pada bulan September 2017, setelah berbeda pendapat dengan penguasa kerajaan Arab Saudi.

Dari luar negeri, dia menyebarkan pandangan kritis terhadap pemerintah Saudi lewat kolomnya di koran Amerika Serikat, Washington Post, dan akun Twitternya yang sangat populer dengan lebih 1,6 juta pengikut.


Jumat, 12 Oktober 2018

Cara Mudah Cek Tagihan PBB Online Sidoarjo

Cara paling mudah adalah dengan muengunjungi situs resminya. Di situ akan dihadapkan dengan du opsi, umum atau user langsung. Pilih saja yang umumkarena kalau user maka akan disuruh membuat akun terlebih dahulu.

Setelah klik umum, maka akan muncul data untuk memasukkan nomor NOP. Masukkan 18 digit angka kemudian klik "lihat"
Nanti di situ akan muncul report yang belum dibayar, tunggakan maupun yang sudah terbayar.

situsnya adalah:
Bayar PBB Online Sidoarjo


Jumat, 05 Oktober 2018

Cara Pasang Title Tag Agar Lebih SEO

Letakkan kode ini setelah head

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